Los Niños De Bodom han estado en Berlín (Heil! XD) grabando dos vídeos ("Blooddrunk" y "Hellhounds On My Trail") de su nuevo disco Blooddrunk (motherfucker! XD)
Comento lo que a mi parecer es lo más destacable y dejo aquí el link de la entrevista completa.
I guess that Are You Dead Yet? has a darker vibe in it and also it was more midtempo sort of music compared to Blooddrunk. Blooddrunk is a lot faster and a kick in your face but at the same time it's very musical with a lot of melodies.
Uff, solo leer eso..... :D_______ Espero que no defraude
My favorite album cover so far has been Hate Crew Deathroll and I think Blooddrunk's cover even tops that one. It's pretty fucking hardcore
Bueno yo prefiero la del Something Wild (además es mas mítica) pero si, después sería la del "Trollmuerto"
Jaska once told me that one of the new songs has the fastest double bass part he ever played.
Motherfucker!! XDOk, can you tell me some new song names? So far "Tie My Rope", "Blooddrunk", "Pray For The Devil", "Roundtrip 2 Hell And Back" and "Good Morning Roadkill" are known. Alexi: Well, actually you got the old song titles, nowadays the name of one song is "Smile Pretty For The Devil" and the other one is called "Roadkill Morning", so that you get the song titles right. I see... well, then it was some wrong information in the internet. Alexi: Well, when does the fucking internet know anything anyway (laughs)? If you read some fucking shit from Blabbermouth, then never trust it.
Títulos desmentidos y opinión perosnal acerca de Blabbermouth XDD (la verdad es que nunca entro ahí)
There are two producers on the album: Mikko Karmila and Peter Tägtgren
Por si uno no es suficiente...
Is it true that Peter also did a guest appearance on the album? Alexi: No, not really. He was just there when we did the group shouts that we all did, so he was like on of us guys who did the background shouts. Any other guests on the album? Alexi: Hmmmmm, no...
Ok... Alexi: Well, actually for the cover songs but not for the actual album.
Did you already decide if the lyrics will be released in the booklet this time? Alexi: Well, I think maybe five of the songs... but not more than that.
Por lo menos pondrá alguna y no como la última vez...
"Tie My Rope" was re-recorded during the album recording sessions. You said that you weren't satisfied with the guitar sound on the first recording but was there another reason why you re-recorded it? Alexi: Yeah, I wasn't satisfied with the vocals on the first version either and I think that the vocals are so much better on the second recording. And just for the sake of the whole thing, I thought to give it a new spin and a whole new sound. Not that anything really changed but I think that it just sounds so much better now.
Bien, ya veremos que tal está la nueva
Alexi: The other song is "Hellhounds On My Trail", the album opener.
Ya sabemos con qué canción abrirán el disco.
We're not gonna fall for that fucking trap again after the "Are You Dead Yet?" video. I don't like that video, that was just fucking stupid.
Pues a mi si que me mola (aunque quizás no pegaba mucho... )
Can we expect to see you "acting" in videos again like in the "Everytime I Die" video where you were tied on a bed and killed by the Reaper? Alexi: No, because that just looked fucking stupid.
Yo también lo pienso XD Además, aún pegaba menos (pero le gustará algún video suyo? porque el de Needled tampoco le gustaba... me parece que solo los que salen tocando XD)
you will be a part of Gigantour with Megadeth in spring 2008
oh, no sabía nada (aunque tampoco es que me importe mucho que giren con Megadeth, pero es algo MUY destacable).
Y esto es todo, ganas de oir ya el single y más el disco!!
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